P newstatesman
Published 26 March 2007
To the end, the Chancellor
retained his appetite for taking from the rich to pay the poor. But was he as
generous as he seemed?
In the swansong to his decade at the Treasury, Gordon Brown
maintained the bluster that has so cheered his fans and infuriated his
enemies. Both have seen his era as transformational - whether by championing
the poor and the public services or by bringing the state into every nook of
our lives and taxing us to oblivion.
But in what state is Brown really leaving the
public economy? He has had more of a chance than any predecessor to make a
mark on it. Yet is the shape of taxation and public spending so different from
what he inherited in 1997? And will his changes endure?
Overall, the public economy has not grown
hugely in this period. This Labour government has sought neither to take
control of the "commanding heights" of the economy nor to introduce
significant new forms of redistributive taxation. Public spending has risen by
3 per cent of GDP: from 40 per cent to 43 per cent of national income. This
only slightly changes Britain's international position, which remains about
halfway between the US, which spends just over a third of its income publicly,
and the Nordic countries, most of which spend more than half.
Despite the failure to increase rates of in -
come tax, it is from this source that most of the extra revenue has been
raised. Today, about 11.5 per cent of national income is taken in income tax,
compared to 9.5 per cent when the government took power - so providing 2 per
cent out of that extra 3 per cent of GDP taken by the Treasury. This is
principally because tax thresholds have not kept pace with rising incomes, so
a greater amount of what people earn is subject to taxation.
This has the greatest effect on the best-off,
who pay top-rate tax on more of their incomes than in the past. Over half of
all income tax is now collected from the 10 per cent best-off taxpayers. This
Budget's raising of the higher-rate threshold will be more than cancelled out
by a higher upper limit on National Insurance contributions.
Council tax rises, despite all the moaning,
have relieved us of far less cash than increases in income tax: we pay only
0.4 per cent more of our income in council tax than in 1997. However, this is
large compared to the total council tax bill, which is more than a quarter
higher than if it had just risen in line with incomes. People resent this rise
because council tax is seen as an unjust way of raising large amounts of
revenue, as it is not well linked to ability to pay.
The Lyons review, published on Budget Day,
changes council tax around the edges but offers scant prospect of
re-establishing the legitimacy of an increasingly unpopular local tax system.
The main issue for the central government will be not how many bands to set,
but whether it should give councils enough money to fund adequate services
without further council tax hikes.
While an extra 3 per cent of GDP for the
government does not mark a huge transformation of the balance between the
public and the private economy, the £40bn spending that it represents is
hardly small change. Where has it all gone? Two-thirds into the health
service, and one-third into education. Spending by the Department of Health
rose from 4.5 per cent of GDP in 1997 to approximately 6.5 per cent today, and
education from about 4.5 to 5.5 per cent. This uses up all of the extra 3 per
cent of GDP raised by taxes, so all other areas where spending has risen
relative to GDP (notably transport and public order) have had to be matched by
falls in other areas (such as defence and social services).
More than his predecessors, Brown has
concentrated his efforts on favoured spending areas in order to make a real
difference. Health spending growth of 6 per cent a year in real terms for a
decade is phenomenal. In social security, more "deserving" client
groups such as poor children and pensioners have been prioritised.
The 21 March Budget continued that policy, with
new tax-credit money focused on children. The bold move of paying for this by
abolishing the 10 per cent tax band (taking roughly a fiver a week off every
taxpayer) shows that Brown retains an appetite for taxing to give to the poor.
But as lower-income working families are hit most by this flat-rate tax rise,
Brown seemed less like Robin Hood than usual.
Over his chancellorship as a whole, then, Brown
has focused his tax rises on the better-off, spending the proceeds in a few
targeted areas, but not across the board. Can he and his successor keep this
up? Probably, in the sense that the gains over the past decade will not be
reversed. Yet there seems little prospect of them being extended substantially
without a momentous political decision to announce a big rise in taxes.
Reducing the basic rate by 2p hardly seems a prelude to this.
Unique decade
Gordon Brown will be remembered most by future
historians for the stability he has brought to the public finances through his
budgetary discipline. True, he has been sailing very close to the wind
recently, but a decade without obvious "stop-go" spending cycles is
unique in recent British history. This year's spending review will finally
bring the "stop" sign, with real-terms cuts in some departments and
a squeeze on public pay. In priority areas, however, there will be a pause or
slowing in growth, not a step backwards.
Yet this relative stability and the system that
underpins it also guarantee that most hopes of new spending will be
disappointed in the foreseeable future. Once the Chancellor powers down the
engines of his public spending supertanker, it will take several years to
restore forward motion. Even education spending, the area favoured for new
growth, will advance more slowly than previously. The projected 2.5 per cent
real-terms increase is only half what we saw in the first Brown decade, and
not enough to expand education significantly relative to GDP.
With the tight limits on money to fund new
social priorities, it is hardly surprising that the attention of future
Budgets will turn to green taxes, which can at least influence behaviours in
socially desirable ways. Whether they can also raise serious amounts of money
is more doubtful - not least because the more they succeed in curbing
behaviours, the less they raise. Since abandoning the fuel escalator in 1999,
Labour been cautious about taking big bucks from middle-class polluters.
Will a future chancellor dare to reintroduce
some serious tax-and-spend from green sources? Perhaps the only party that
will choose to do so will be the one that introduced the fuel escalator in the
first place - the Tories.