Donald Hirsch
I was Director of the Centre for Research in Social Policy from 2012 to 2022
Now I'm Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at Loughborough University My profile:
I have been analysing trends and policies related to poverty and low income for over four decades. In the 1980s I was a journalist, latterly on The Economist. In the 1990s, after a period at the OECD, I was an international policy consultant, and between 1998 and 2008 the Joseph Rowntree Foundation s Poverty Adviser. I played a central role in establishing the Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom (MIS), joining Loughborough s Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) in 2008 to lead the MIS work. I was Director of the Centre from 2012 to 2022. Since retiring from Loughborough, I have been policy adviser to abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, which funds a range of research related to income, assets and spending
I continue to take on consultancy tasks in this field You can email me at donald.hirsch
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I guide cyclists here My previous work as a consultant